Should You Let Your Employees Work From Home

2 minute read

Most managers will have thought about letting their employees work from home at some point. However, it is never a straightforward decision, as what you gain in one area, you lose in another.

While previously, there was a shift towards increasing worker flexibility, the tide seems to have turned back. Now, more companies are bringing their workforce back into the office to try and boost their output.

It is never an easy decision to make, and you need to ask yourself several questions before making a decision.

What Does Your Company Do?

You should first ask yourself what your company does and how it would align with a remote workforce. If you require a lot of collaboration and team discussions, it may be easier to bring everybody together in the office. On the other hand, if their job requires long periods of focus, working from home could remove a lot of distractions.

Do You Want Creativity or Productivity?

As a general rule, people are more creative in groups and more productive on their own. If you are continually looking for new ideas and out-the-box thinking, you are going to have more luck having your workforce under the same roof.  It may be that part of your workforce suits remote working more than others. Programmers are a perfect example of a position which almost always works better remotely. 

Could You Reduce Overheads?

If there are fewer people in the office, it may be possible to downsize your building and reduce your expenses. Everyone who comes into work costs you money through the desk space and electricity that they use. Add on perks such as free coffee and biscuits, and you will save a lot of cash if you allow a large section of your staff to work from home.

Do You Have a Global Reach?

If you are a global company, you can make tremendous strides in other countries by employing somebody who lives there. Naturally, they will have to work remotely, and there can be problems with the time-difference. However, if you are looking to break into a market, it may be a sacrifice worth making.

How Important is Your Workplace Culture?

Productivity and workplace culture are closely linked. It can be hard for collaborations and working relationships to develop when people do not meet face to face. Again, it depends on the nature of your work, as to how important this is. However, if you want to instill a particular company ethos on your employees, you are better served to do this in the office.

There is no right or wrong answer when deciding if you should let your employees work from home. It depends on your companies goals and how picky you can be when choosing your workforce. Consider as many aspects of your business as you can, and decide if the benefits from allowing your employee’s flexibility outweigh the gains of coming into the office.
